Official Link to Download Google Chrome Offline Installer

As we all know about Google Chrome which has become very popular among all Internet users. Once you start downloading, it downloads a very small installer which again downloads the required setup files from Google server.

But did you know Google allows you to download the full standalone installer of Chrome from its official website?

Thankfully, Google provides an option to download a standalone Chrome offline installer, but you need to know where to look. To download the Chrome offline installer, visit this page at Google’s support website and select your desired version of Chrome. Like the online installer, Google will attempt to automatically detect the version of the operating system you’re running and offer you the corresponding version of Chrome. This may not be helpful, however, since you’re presumably downloading the Chrome offline installer to use with other computers that may not match your current platform. To work around this issue, look for an option labeled “Download Chrome for another Platform,” which will let you manually download all available versions of Chrome. If that doesn’t work (i.e., if using that link redirects you to the online installer), you can append the following tags to the end of the Chrome offline installer URL in your browser:

Windows 64-bit: &platform=win64
Windows 32-bit: &platform=win
OS X: &platform=mac
Linux: &platform=linux

For example, if you’re currently using a Mac running OS X, but you want to download the Chrome offline installer for a 64-bit version of Windows, you’d use the following URL:

From above URLs just change the bold word according to your requirement or else click on that buttons and you will get the latest Google Chrome version. So enjoy it.
