How to Copy Windows Store App Link in Windows 10

Although, Apple introduced App Store a couple of years ago but Microsoft launched Windows Store just 3 years back. Although, Microsoft tried to make the Windows Store feature-rich but somehow this is not as feature-rich as other similar stores are. Windows 10 users are in need of some important features in Windows Store so that they can make use of this tool at highest level.

Unlike old times, Microsoft has been launching Windows 10 preview for the users so that users can use that version, like/dislike features and Microsoft can enhance/improve that with all the things that users are in need of. Before launching Window s8 and 8.1, they released preview edition but that workaround was not as good as it is. This time, Microsoft has already launched more than 30 versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview to learn what users want and what they can provide.

Windows Store was introduced with Windows 8, which was a pretty good OS as it came with a completely different interface and the features were awesome too. However, in Windows 10, you can find a better Windows Store. However, still some features are missing what users should have on their monitor.

For example, suppose you are exploring Windows Store and you have got an app that you want to share with your lovable friends. At such time, you can simply hit the Share button and use various sharing option to share that with friends. But, what if you want to copy that app link in your computer to install that later? You can’t as Windows Store doesn’t allow users to copy the link of any app.

However, here is a trick that will assist you to copy Windows Store app link in Windows 10 as today I am about to use a third party app, which is available for Windows 10 for PC and Mobile. This is called Share via Clipboard, which is obviously a free app. Like said before, this is available for Windows 10 for mobile and PC. Therefore, if you have older version, you may need to opt for a different trick.

Copy Windows Store App Link in Windows 10

This is very easy and not much time consuming to copy Windows Store app link in the clipboard. As of now, this app does support only app link. However, in future, this is going to get image link copy option. This is very small in size – it is around 2.47MB. Therefore, at first, install Share via Clipboard on your Windows 10 computer. Following that, you can get the corresponding option whenever you will go to Share an app from Windows Store.

Click on that to get the following screen.

From here, you can copy the link to your clipboard. That’s it! This is as simple as said.

Source: Ampercent


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