How To Unblock Airtel Blocked Sim (Easy Staps)

Lots Of People Are Facing This Problem. So, Here I Show U - How To UnBlock Ur Airtel Blocked Sim.

Trick 1:
1.Keep your balance above 10 Rs. in your mobile phone
2.Activate Airtel’s lowest 2G pack [10rs = 100mb]
3.You also can surf and download at this pack
4.On the next day of this pack activate Airtel’s zero rental plan
5.On Next day your sim card gets unblocked
6.working in all real hosts - use these real hosts
7.Keep Port same:8080

Trick 2:
Working for many people
So, in this trick you just need to send an sms and repeat sendind the sms 5 to 6 times.
Just send:
FACEBOOK to 54321
And get some kind of “link” from airtel and just “install” it and now the magic has happened and the tricks to unblock your blocked airtel sim has worked. Your sim is unblocked.

Trick 3:
Here is a simple logical trick to unblock your blocked airtel sim. Try this one if you got failure in above two tricks. Steps:
1. Deactivate All The Data Services ( 2G And 3G Both By Dailing 121 Or 198 )
2. Just Leave your Sim For at least 48 Hours. (Don’t use for 48 hours, no calling, no sms.. just switch off cell and remove sim)
3.Now Check That Whether your Getting Connected With apn – or Not
4. If you are Getting Some Errors While Connecting Then U Have Successfully Deactivated Data Services
5. Now The Final Step Just Activate Data Services By Dailing *567*11# And 3G Also By Sending sms 3G To 121..
6. All Done..All the real hosts mentioned in Trick 1 will be activated.


  1. nice blogs.
    Whenever you want to Port-in with a new service provider, you need to send an SMS PORT to 1900 to generate a unique porting code. This code needs to be clearly mentioned by you in the Port-in form at the time of giving the request.


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