How to Add Flying Orange Twitter Man in Blogger Blog

Recently I posted the flying twitter bird that you can use in your blog to allow people to tweet and follow you on twitter, so now if you want a change in the character then we have another flying orange man for twitter that says the same Follow Me text. So you can see a demo of it running right on this post, so it might be flying from once place to another and as soon as you hover over it it will show you that follow me text, so its simple to be used flying tweet and follow option.

So now adding this to your blogger blog is again simple you just need to follow below easy steps and this will be working on your blog right away.

1. Open Blogger > Template > Edit HTML.

2. Press Ctrl + F & search for </body> tag & paste below code above it.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">var twitterAccount = "COMPUTERLEARNINGZ";var tweetThisText = "<data:blog.pageTitle/>:<data:blog.url/>";tripleflapInit()</script>

3. Now just change the username in orange color with your twitter username.

4. That's it guys now just hit Save Template and refresh your blog to see this :) 
